Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What Goes With Red Braces What Color Should I Do For My Braces?

What color should I do for my braces? - what goes with red braces

I had braces for a while and tried many different colors. I'm going to orthodontics in 3 days and I have no idea of colors you want. I have no yellow or red. I had the money 2 months ago, but it was too easy for me. Somehow I have a skater style, and I looooove bright colors. What should I do? I can have only one color, not a big mess of them. THNX!


country.... said...

I like clear, because the juice Haard see if ur away from someone or smile and say that put a strain Cam or ...

but if u get vivid colors like lime green, and blue sky!

Abracada... said...

Make a rainbow thats what I do, but then people AVN will ge the wrong message. . .

Try this faveotite colors and choose to do it: Talk to your faveorite colors pink and green that I would do:


What I mean by that? Since the two different colors for two and half way towards others. . .

Alllllii... said...

if you go look at their options, such as green or blue
also tried to clear

had the keys to four years, and I agree with the holidays =)
But you should try to color, bright neon-dynamic

LikeABul... said...

Colors of the rainbow !!!!!!

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